
A Manual of Councils of the Holy Catholic Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

Since the beginnings of Christianity and the formation of the Christian church, there have been hundreds of General, Patriarchal, National, and Primatial Councils, where Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican church leaders and theologians met to discuss their church doctrines and disciplines. These councils are crucial for addressing church dogmatics, ecclesiastical canons, and official church...

drew the attention of the whole council by his marvellous penetration in unravelling and laying open the artifices of the heretics; he resisted Eusebius, Theognis, and Maris, the chief supporters of Arius, and evinced such zeal in defence of the true faith, that he attracted both the admiration of all Catholics and the bitter hatred of the Arian party. The confession of faith which Eusebius of Nicomedia, the protector and follower of Arius, presented to the council, was rejected; this confession
Volume 1, Page 406